Inappropriate clothing- unusual for age or context
Unfamiliar with the area where he or she resides, unable to name local streets, landmarks, etc.
Story sounds scripted or inconsistent
Possession of expensive items
Lack of personal possessions
Unable to produce personal identification
Seems nervous, anxious, fearful, paranoid
Avoids eye contact
New mobile phone
Shows signs of poor health: injuries, malnourished
Answers to various names or aliases
"Boyfriend" is older, controlling, abusive
History of frequent travel or residing in various locations
Lies about his or her age claiming to be older than appearance
Tattoos or Branding
Evidence of recurring or multiple STD’s
Where to Call if you see signs of Human Trafficking
The National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline (NHTRC)
1-888-373-7888 (or text to “BeFree” or 233733)
The New Jersey Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-855-END-NJ-HT
New Jersey DCP&P 1-877-NJ-ABUSE
9-1-1 (If in immediate danger)